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Investment Scandals Ponzi

30 Aug 2018

“I landed in this country with $2.50 in  cash and $1 million in hopes, and  those hopes never left me.” - Charles Ponzi 

Investment & Economic Review July 2018

20 Jul 2018

Investment markets in the early months of 2018 suffered several fits of volatility but managed to shake it off and rallied in May and June.   Consequently, Australian share indices ended June at close to their financial year-high points, whilst long-term interest rates, which had crept up towards 3%, retracted to about 2.6% by financial year end.

Confirmation Bias

1 Jun 2018

Academic studies conclude that investors are far from uniformly ‘homo economicus’. Investment behaviour is influenced by compelling factors other than rationality. The example below supports the view that much investment behaviour is emotional.

Don’t get caught up in fads: 10 things successful investors do

9 May 2018

Newspapers and airwaves are always full of information about successful investing, but how do you cut through to what really matters? After nearly 40 years in the investment industry, I believe there are 10 things that all successful long-term investors invariably do.

The Shiller CAPE

27 Apr 2018

Academic studies conclude that investors are far from uniformly ‘homo economicus’. Investment behaviour is influenced by compelling factors other than rationality. The example below identifies that investment behaviour should recognise emotion as well as arithmetic.


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