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Learning from the Greats series - Benjamin Graham

17 Jan 2019

A smartly dressed, thirty year old man boarded a train in New York city bound for the annual general meeting of the Northern Pipeline company; it was a little odd, to say the least, that the AGM would be held in Oil City, a small town in Pennsylvania, almost 400 miles from where its headquarters were located, just blocks away from Wall Street.

Three Pillars Investing: Attitude, Aptitude, Altitude

17 Jan 2019

One’s attitude towards investing may be coloured by a multiple of different – and sometimes competing – considerations.

Investment & Economic Review January 2019

9 Jan 2019

2018 was a perplexing year for investment markets, having started apprehensively due to economic growth and rising interest rates concerns, which was then followed by a benign mid-year period of greater optimism and growth, that ended abruptly in the final quarter. By year-end markets of all types - stocks, bonds and currencies - were experiencing heightened investor agitation and volatility.

Three Pillars Investing: Attitude, Aptitude, Altitude

16 Dec 2018

‘Altitude’ is generally accepted as meaning the height of an object above a certain benchmark (e.g. a plane in flight achieves what the pilot will convey to passengers as ‘cruising altitude’ meaning how far the plane is above sea or ground level).

The Disposition Effect

19 Nov 2018

The ‘disposition effect’ has been described as ‘One of the most robust facts about the trading of individual investors’ (Barberis & Xiong).  Professor Hersh Shefrin (Santa Clara University, USA) describes the effect as ‘a predisposition toward get-evenitis’.


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