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Investment & Economic Review April 2020

3 Apr 2020

Firstly, and most importantly, the wellbeing of all is foremost in our minds and we sincerely hope for a quick resolution to the awful crisis that is engulfing the world, and a reversion to normality without too much more hardship or suffering.

Stock markets are always the first and most obvious financial indicator when things go awry.   When uncertainty leads to pessimism, (and ultimately fear), market pricing dislocates, as it has in the last month.  This dislocation is amplified by the very mechanics of markets, where computer systems, short selling and algorithms drive volatility indiscriminately.  This period of significant volatility should be relatively short lived, but significant uncertainties remain, such that we expect further bouts of sharp price movements in the coming months.

TRUST – best tested in times of stress

2 Apr 2020

You can’t buy it by the metre or rent it by the week.

What Makes Us Different

15 Mar 2020

Numerous factors differentiate the firm of Joseph Palmer & Sons from its competitors; three in particular form the pillars upon which its reputation largely rests: history, experience and foresight. Palmer’s history goes back to 1872 and no other investment firm operating in Australia today has such an unbroken family connection. Insights gained from such a durable innings are of inestimable value to the firm’s clients; there’s precious little by way of an investment issue that hasn’t been encountered, one way or another, over many years. 

If only he'd known way back then

3 Mar 2020

Some key observations on investing I wish I'd known when younger.

Extrapolation Bias

31 Jan 2020
Extrapolation Bias

In its simplest form, extrapolation bias is the tendency of an investor to overestimate recent events when making decisions about the future. In short, to forecast overly optimistically in rising markets, the reverse when they have fallen. This bias, as with so many related to personal investing, does not serve investors well.


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