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More than half a year has passed since the global pandemic wreaked havoc in societies and financial markets worldwide. Regrettably, the virus remains virulent so has slowed the pace of economic recovery and caused a multitude of social implications to remain prominent. The path towards a vaccine seems promising, with more than 130 projects globally, funded almost limitlessly, with accelerated clinical trial processes. A rapid rebound in consumer confidence and associated economic activity is expected should a successful vaccine become widely available.
An ambitious young man asks his financially well-off grandmother on what basis she attributes her success. 'Good judgment', she replies. He follows up with 'and how do you get that?' 'From experience', she says. Not fully satisfied, he asks how she got her experience? 'From bad judgment' is her final word on the matter.
There is no shortage of information, advice and opinion in newspapers, magazines and on the airwaves about successful investing – what to invest in, how to do it, what to avoid – but separating the good advice from the questionable advice is difficult. How do investors cut through to what really matters?
People do business with people because they choose to not because they have to.
We can always find others doing the same thing or selling the same product, it's the personal connection that makes the difference.
We all put our faith in branded products of one kind or another; we expect them to perform as promoted, as preferred, as promised.
In these enlightened days of consumer protection, it is a rightful expectation.