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Looking to invest? Ten key tips to become a successful long-term investor

5 Oct 2020

There is no shortage of information, advice and opinion in newspapers, magazines and on the airwaves about successful investing – what to invest in, how to do it, what to avoid – but separating the good advice from the questionable advice is difficult. How do investors cut through to what really matters?


21 Sep 2020

People do business with people because they choose to not because they have to. 

We can always find others doing the same thing or selling the same product, it's the personal connection that makes the difference.

That’s the Value of a Brand

28 Aug 2020

We all put our faith in branded products of one kind or another; we expect them to perform as promoted, as preferred, as promised. 

In these enlightened days of consumer protection, it is a rightful expectation.


11 Aug 2020

When we reach a certain age, we begin to talk about what we might bequeath to those we leave behind: frequently our children and often our grandchildren.

Much of our conversation will be about the assets we leave as directed within our Wills (hopefully having actually made our Wills).

Yet inheritance is about more than money and tangible objects; it's also about recollections of events, conversations, shared experiences - in short, the stories that make up a life.

Investment & Economic Review July 2020

15 Jul 2020

The 2019/20 financial year was truly extraordinary.  For the first eight months it was steady progress, with asset prices modestly inflating, interest rates staying low and consumer confidence elevated.  Then the pandemic triggered the diametric opposite, a large deflation of asset prices, an economic conflagration and worrying social and health concerns.

My last quarterly report, in early April, coincided with the depths of the market downturn, at which time the wellbeing, social and economic effects and consequences of the global pandemic were entirely unknown.  Three months later there is some clarity and a modestly improved stock market, but still immense uncertainties and rattled consumer and business confidence. 


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