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Investment & Economic Review July 2022

19 Jul 2022

Economic trends and geopolitical events converged pessimistically in the June quarter, causing the unusual scenario where all major investment asset classes – shares, property, and bonds – fell concurrently. 

Bonds prices were particularly weak, due to the sudden and rapid increase in duration-based interest rates.   It was the combination of starkly increasing inflation and an about-turn by Central Banks’ monetary policies that caused the bond rout.

The Next Million - Part Eight

6 Jul 2022

Integrity: It's in the DNA
More often than not, money entrusted to an investment manager took time, energy and risk to accumulate, so it’s not surprising that investors need the comfort of knowing their ‘hard-earned’ is in safe hands.

The Next Million - Part Seven

30 May 2022

Beware Your Unconscious Biases 
There is no shortage of people declaring ‘how to invest’. By contrast cautionary tales on what to avoid are fairly rare; that’s what makes them refreshing.

Our 150th Anniversary

12 Apr 2022

April 12th this year is 150 years to the day since we were founded by Joseph Palmer in 1872.

To celebrate we've created a short e-book of the journey through 150 years of Australia (and world) history. 

Investment & Economic Review April 2022

10 Apr 2022

Interest rates are rising. The Australian government 10-year bond has more than doubled from 1.2% last August to the current 3%. However, for context, this directional change comes a full forty years after rates peaked at 16.4% in early 1982. Investment markets have enjoyed the tailwind of generally falling rates for a long time, and many participants in the world financial markets have never experienced rising rates in their entire investing career.


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