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Trading as Joseph Palmer & Sons
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Palmer Articles

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To Refresh is Good for All

11 Jan 2021

What on earth could strawberries have to do with prestigious investment management firm Joseph Palmer & Sons? Differentiation!

In an era of apparent ‘sameness’, where it can be difficult for some to differentiate one investment firm from another, this brief essay provides an opportunity to perceive key differences.

The Challenge is to be Exceptional

8 Dec 2020

By almost any measure, Australia is an exceptional place: its size, its location, its history, its flora, its fauna, its people and its reputation: combined, these make this country ‘more than a bit special’...

Joseph Palmer Foundation tour of the Children’s hospital at Westmead

23 Oct 2020
On Thursday 2nd June guests of the Joseph Palmer Foundation were taken on a very special tour of the Children’s hospital at Westmead. This provided an opportunity to witness firsthand some of the ground-breaking work being undertaken by their world-renowned surgeons.

Palmer Innovation Prize for 2016 Awarded by the Joseph Palmer Foundation

23 Oct 2020
Following the launch of the Joseph Palmer Foundation at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research last year, we announced the creation of the annual Palmer Innovation Prize … an initiative that has met with widespread approval and appreciation by both clients and the good people at the ‘the Garvan’.

Investment & Economic Review October 2020

15 Oct 2020

More than half a year has passed since the global pandemic wreaked havoc in societies and financial markets worldwide. Regrettably, the virus remains virulent so has slowed the pace of economic recovery and caused a multitude of social implications to remain prominent. The path towards a vaccine seems promising, with more than 130 projects globally, funded almost limitlessly, with accelerated clinical trial processes. A rapid rebound in consumer confidence and associated economic activity is expected should a successful vaccine become widely available.


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