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It's a funny old world

10 Aug 2017

It’s a funny old world. Having yesterday noted the impending 10th anniversary of the starting gun going off on the global financial crisis I subsequently tripped over a vignette on Bloomberg which read “Junk subprime auto ABS spreads at record lows”. It really was just a vignette and went on...

On Strategy: Grasshopper or Ant?

5 Jul 2017

The recent stock market has, like an Indian summer, been most benevolent: a feeling of confidence has seen many investors with portfolios fully committed to a rising market, while a small minority have been building cash reserves. There are echoes here of Aesop’s fable on the grasshopper and the ant. They had very different strategies and only one came out on top.

Investment & Economic Review July 2017

3 Jul 2017

Most investment markets performed admirably in the last twelve months, particularly as economic trends have generally been uninspiring. Stock and real estate prices have certainly benefitted from the unprecedented stimulus provided by central banks and governments, in the form of extraordinarily low interest rates, and even more extraordinary money printing programs.

Super Changes: Smart Investing Doesn’t

2 Jul 2017

Unless you live on a different planet, you have seen many articles about the changes to superannuation that took place on 1 July this year. There have been so many, in fact, that we declined to overload you with even more. Now the dust is settling, our view is that no matter what changes occurred in the superannuation space over the last 20 years (and much did), one thing remains inviolably constant.

The Market is up … How’s Your Risk Management Plan?

19 Jun 2017
The Market is up … How’s Your Risk Management Plan?

When asked for his views on ‘chance’, Mikhail Baryshnikov replied, “To walk across the street is a risk”. Pushed further, the great dancer may have spoken of managing risk by, for example, using designated pedestrian crossings and traffic lights.  All too obvious for pedestrians but what about the many risks that investors face? Can these be managed … and, if so, how?.


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