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Palmer Articles

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What They Mean When They Say... “An Investment Portfolio”

6 Mar 2023

There are portfolios and then there are portfolios ... not necessarily of the same quality. Here, strictly avoiding the provision of advice, we’ll briefly explore this theme…

What They Mean When They Say... “The Yield Curve”

19 Jan 2023

The yield curve is one of the most important metrics used by economists and financial analysts to gauge as the economy itself; the curve plots the yields on similar quality bonds with different maturity dates. 

Investment & Economic Review January 2023

16 Jan 2023

2022 was a momentous year for Joseph Palmer & Sons, as we celebrated our 150th year, moved office, and contended with elevated financial market volatility and a rapid increase in interest rates.


The Next Million - Compilation Parts One to Twelve

8 Dec 2022

In this compilation of twelve articles, we cover some of the many ways in which we assist a wide range of clients with a wide range of investment needs. Take a peek.

Investment & Economic Review October 2022

21 Oct 2022

An easing of financial market unrest in July and August proved temporary as all major investment asset classes resumed their negative trend in September, driven by persistent inflation, successive interest rate rises globally, and the ongoing conflict and energy market stresses in Europe.  


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