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Market Bulletin - Coronavirus March 2020

16 Mar 2020

Investment markets have dislocated in recent weeks, sent into panic by the global Coronavirus pandemic, and consternation about the extent of its effect on human health, consumer spending, economic activity and corporate profitability.

No one can predict the extent to which the disease will spread before containment, nor precisely the effect it will have economically.  But we do have experience in understanding and reacting to periods of significant investment market volatility, particularly shares, so we proffer these observations...

What Makes Us Different

15 Mar 2020

Numerous factors differentiate the firm of Joseph Palmer & Sons from its competitors; three in particular form the pillars upon which its reputation largely rests: history, experience and foresight. Palmer’s history goes back to 1872 and no other investment firm operating in Australia today has such an unbroken family connection. Insights gained from such a durable innings are of inestimable value to the firm’s clients; there’s precious little by way of an investment issue that hasn’t been encountered, one way or another, over many years. 

When property is a mug’s game

2 Mar 2020

Income on investment property has fallen to unprecedented levels: Here’s how bad it is

We are pleased to share an editorial which was published on 20 February by James Kirby, the Wealth Editor of The Australian newspaper, which draws on the article written by Rodney Horin a week earlier.

Asset-rich and Cash-poor: the new low-rates dilemma

12 Feb 2020

Many retirees are victims of the dramatic reductions in interest rates and must adapt to meet changing circumstances.

See this article by Rodney Horin, Managing Director of Joseph Palmer & Sons (Vic), which appeared in The Australian on Tue 11 February, 2020.

Investment & Economic Review January 2020

14 Jan 2020

Stock markets displayed their unpredictability in 2019, striding surprisingly and steadily higher after shaking off the volatility of the prior year. Low interest rates and generally benevolent economic and profit conditions provided the catalyst.


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