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Palmer Articles

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The Shiller CAPE

27 Apr 2018

Academic studies conclude that investors are far from uniformly ‘homo economicus’. Investment behaviour is influenced by compelling factors other than rationality. The example below identifies that investment behaviour should recognise emotion as well as arithmetic.

Investment & Economic Review April 2018

11 Apr 2018

Last quarter I wrote about unusually low investment market volatility in 2017, and the likelihood that 2018 would not pass so calmly. On cue, a wave of volatility hit at the beginning of February, caused by a tantrum in the US bond market, and has continued since. Clearly, this year will be defined by more frequent ups and downs, so investors should remain wary.

Three Major Investment Bubbles

15 Mar 2018

Tulips, South Seas, and Mississippi: short, true tales on three infamous manias in investing history.

The Palmer SMA International Shares Portfolio

26 Feb 2018

One of the most favoured sayings used by wise investors is: ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket’. It’s a reliable and prudent notion – and here are good reasons for it....

Joseph Palmer & Sons Executive changes

18 Jan 2018
The Partners of Joseph Palmer & Sons are pleased to announce the following executive changes.

Barry Schebella, who has been with Joseph Palmer & Sons since 1994, is retiring.  Barry has worked tirelessly for more than two decades in his capacity of General Manager, and will be surely missed by staff and clients.  We wish Barry a very relaxing and long retirement in Adelaide...


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